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Tag: Enterprise Architecture

Decomposing the Value Chain in the Cloud

Back when consumer USB drives were flooding the market, it was quite common to witness how people would challenge datacenter-grade storage. They would do so by comparing it with devices they could readily buy on any retail store immediately and inexpensively. By comparison, IT storage was costly and slower to deliver.

Perceptive observers could think that, either there was a scam going on… or, most probably, those two things were not exactly the same

The funny thing is that the same still (yes, still) happens with Cloud Services.…


Selecting Components for WordPress

I have been dealing with WordPress for years now. I have developed and maintained my own site; built a number of experiments and Proofs-of-Concept and managed blogging platforms for others. Each context has taught me something new, but one of the aspects that keeps me hooked into this environment is the vibrant community that WordPress has.

The amount of plugins, themes, and solutions that get built on top of it is astonishing. WordPress is estimated to run to 33% of all websites and 60% of the ones with a known CMS.…

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