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Tag: Cloud Computing

Decomposing the Value Chain in the Cloud

Back when consumer USB drives were flooding the market, it was quite common to witness how people would challenge datacenter-grade storage. They would do so by comparing it with devices they could readily buy on any retail store immediately and inexpensively. By comparison, IT storage was costly and slower to deliver.

Perceptive observers could think that, either there was a scam going on… or, most probably, those two things were not exactly the same

The funny thing is that the same still (yes, still) happens with Cloud Services.…


Additional thoughts about Cloud Portability


Despite how much I love the Cloud, it would be foolish to ignore the many challenges that it poses. And, when concepts such as Liquid IT or Multi-Cloud become part of the agenda, one of those is, without a doubt, Portability.

Back when I was a member of the Atos Scientific Community, I was one of the authors of a whitepaper that addressed this very same topic. Since then, I was fortunate enough to witness other points of view about the subject and some have certainly got me thinking.…

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Spotting influencers and VIPs in LinkedIn with PowerShell – Part 2: “The Dark Side”

What we have seen on our previous post may seem interesting and powerful. Essentially, what we are doing is opening the door to creating local datasets with personally identifiable information coming from our Social Networks. That's a pretty big deal. Therefore, there are a couple of things that we need to understand before going forward.

Privacy, Law and Ethics

Usually, on Digital Media, whenever you can access some information is because you have rights and permissions to do so. However, I would like you to consider the difference between “can” and “should”.…

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Spotting influencers and VIPs in LinkedIn with PowerShell – Part 1: “The How To”

Liking, commenting, tagging, bookmarking or defining something as favorite are all common on-line activities these days. However, most of us don't realize the depth of information we leave behind each time we perform them and what we can actually do with that information.

This is perfectly understandable in a world that hides all those details behind APIs that regular people can't use. Fortunately, this is no longer the case anymore. Today I would like to show you how to leverage the Social Media Scripting Framework to extract meaningful information from those that connect with you or your brand in LinkedIn.…

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Social Media Scripting Framework v0.5 BETA, has been finally released!

It's been a while since my last blog post. I know it. But, I have been focusing on “Getting Things Done”. This new version of the Social Media Scripting Framework has been quite a challenge and, in fact, it has taken longer than expected. Anyway, it is finally here!

But let's start from the beginning. Once the previous version was on the street, I have started collecting feedback from different sources. Many were exited with the possibilities that this tool was bringing to the table.…

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Say hello to the Social Media Scripting Framework!

It’s been a while since my last post. And there has been a reason for it, actually. I’ve been working on a new project, the Social Media Scripting Framework: a PowerShell-based environment that abstracts the complexities of modern Social Media Channels from the PowerShell command-line.

There is not question that Social Media Technologies have opened the door, not only to new ways of interaction and relationship, but also to new ways to evaluate and measure them. However, after looking at the current ecosystem of tools and solutions for a while, I’ve observed that many of them, and sometimes all of them, follow similar structural patterns.…


Taking the Social Media Interconnection Map to the Next Level

Sooner or later we all end up having our own instance of a Social Media mashup. Our Interconnection Map will, hopefully, fulfill our needs and evolve with us and with time. However, no matter how complex it is, it will only address our more basic integration or automation needs.

The attention economy and relationships in the on-line world are heavily driven or influenced by the content we share. Unfortunately, content curation can be very time consuming. In other words, if we have to fight for audience attention, it is very likely that we start pushing our available resources to the limits:

  • maybe we are focused on some knowledge areas, but let many others uncovered.
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Watch out! Twitter is no longer a trusted Social Media Hub

That Twitter wants to exercise more control over their user’s experience and, hence, its whole ecosystem, it is not new. Until now, Twitter’s moves in this direction haven’t had major and practical impact on how we were used to consume the service. For example:

Ok, I admit that this second one, represents a threat for some users and developers in the medium term.…


Social Media Interconnection Map for 2012

Last year I started looking at ways to handle the amount of Social Media presence in a reasonable way. Then, I came up with a Social Media Interconnection Map and a set of design rules, principles and guidelines that we could take into account shall we wanted to build our own.

Unfortunately, everything moves insanely fast in the technology space and so many things have changed since that first proposal. In fact, I have had to adapt my original design several times over the past months due to a number of reasons:

  1. new players have emerged or exploded: Google+, Pinterest, Tumblr, Posterous, Instagram, SlideShare, LinksAlpha, ifttt,

The real cost of your Personal Cloud

As time goes by, it becomes more common to see ourselves contracting services on-line. They are diverse, easy to consume, mature enough, convenient and economic. Some times we see our friends, relatives or colleagues consuming them and, once we get to know details about their experiences, we feel it is the right moment to start and experience the service ourselves.


Many of them are really economic (in the range of 1 to 5 euros/month), so we don’t feel the need of any sort of financial control.…